Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello Friends!
     I'm excited to send an update again of how things are going on this adventure I call life!  Thank you to all of you for your prayers this last month.  As I reflect on November, I'm amazed at how God speaks, especially when we are in "foreign" places with only Him as our main contact.  I finished up my time in Kansas City, packed everything I had for 2 months back into my vehicle and made my way to Pella for a day.  With great joy, I'm so thankful to God for the amazing gift of being able to see 7 of the girls I have mentored since they were in 6th grade, and are now sophomores in college.  They were home for Thanksgiving, and we found ourselves at a cabin, God graciously allowed us to use for a night, laughing, sharing and praying with each other.  It probably isn't a surprise that I didn't get to bed till after 2am, but so worth it!
     The following day (Thanksgiving) I found myself on a plane making my way to L.A., with a stop in Denver, where God gave me the best surprise, Madison (one of the girl's I'd mentored), was on my first flight to return to school!  Of all the flights :).  It was such a joy to catch up even more.  As I arrived in L.A. I was excited to see a Pella native, Sarah Gaulke, who was letting me stay with her for a few days.  God had a small change of plans, as a guy, Nathan that I had met at YWAM-Kona was arriving to the airport from Haiti to volunteer for the week and didn't have a ride or a place to stay the first night.  Such a blessing Sarah was and is to help Nathan out too.  We were able to be God's hands and feet for a tired traveler, so cool!  
      With the LA Congress I was in charge of about 100 volunteers from multiple nations.  They came from the US, including a group from a DTS school in Kona, India, Paraguay, Korea, and more.  I was helping to make sure they all knew where they were going for training, the day after Thanksgiving, setting up the 3 days of training, and making sure we had everyone where they were needed for the 6 days of the Congress.  One of the greatest things God taught me in this week was how He's given me such a mix of skills in my life experiences to be able to take on this challenge!  Everything from creating a "photo scavenger hunt" during the training to build relationships and help the volunteers get to know the area, to being able to shift the resources every half hour, as I'd get called that there were things like "a truck with 42 boxes that needed unloading asap".  Our volunteers covered greeting, ushering, hospitality, security, photography, the World Vision booth, exhibits, registration, and more!  I'm in awe of how God worked to put our team together for this week, and I'm so grateful for the new friendships and connections.  Oh, and did I mention how God did some other amazing things!  For example... during the scavenger hunt, 2 teams met young people they prayed with and shared the Gospel with, and one group even met a young woman, Jasmine, who came to volunteer with us during the week.  So cool!  I had the great honor to get to know the DTS school from Kona well, including a group of 12 that was leaving for the Philippines (areas where I had been just 2 months earlier) a week after the Congress!  It's been great praying for them and sharing all God had done in our time there.  So amazing how God continues to work in surprizing ways!

       The congress was a success with better practice sharing, prayer, and commitments made for the Kingdom.  Here are the actual commitment numbers that came from the event with brothers and sisters continuing to work to reach the unreached!

New Houses of Prayer                        71,311
UUPGs (Unreached People Groups)   1,416
Oral Bible Teams                                46,548 
New Churches Planted                       217,908 
New Evangelism Exposures                584,681,363
New Online Missionaries                    20,054

      I was quite exhausted after those 2 weeks, but so thankful for the time and the reunion I had with some of my YWAM classmates!  As I made my way home, I drove through Pella for a day where I was able to celebrate with the youth of Third Church where they had raised $36,000 for an orphanage in Uganda!  I also spent some time with a wonderful family who has been hosting me.  I’m so thankful for them, their care and great example of family.  Before finally getting to my parents in Wisconsin, I stopped in Rockford, IL to see my sister.  My mom came down too, and we were able to help her take off some wallpaper down in a bedroom and paint.  
     I’ve now been home for a week with my family.  Some of you might be wondering how my mom’s surgery went!?!  (thanks to all those praying)  The truth is she cancelled the date right before the surgery.  She had a bad cold, and the doctor said she couldn’t have the surgery with it, and she’s been working with physical therapy to see if she can hold off a bit.  I’m thankful she is feeling somewhat better, but is now looking at having it possibly in May or June.  Still praying God will heal her totally!
     God allowing me to come home for this time, with the main focus being serving my parents and resting, has been wonderful.  They’ve put me to work cooking meals each night (if you know me, you know I love that!), we’ve been playing cards, sharing stories, and doing projects around the house.  As much as I’m different in many ways, it is such a joy to be back together as “family” and to be the kid again. 
       I want to share something with you that God showed me personally this week.  I found myself, when I was alone, really struggling with some things and over analyzing my future so much that I became overwhelmed.  I really didn’t want to go out and see people or do “things”; I just found being alone was good.  I know that there are seasons where that can be fine, but it was not healthy for me, and I realized that the joy and peace I’d had when I first came back from Kona was not as bold.  As I prayed and spent time with God on this, He showed me.  The last two months I’ve allowed myself to become a cynic on the topic of “love” through the traveling around and being places only a short time, as well as some walls I put up with people.  However, through this it seems the enemy has worked to get me to turn those walls into mirrors and I’ve really been internally focused.  Basically the love God has shown me and the calling to share that love with others, was stopping before I was sharing it.  And in that, I found myself miserable!  How crazy that to have myself feel better I had to do the exact opposite, and stop focusing on myself and focus on loving others!  God is so good.  As soon as I saw the truth behind that lie and was able to take what God was teaching me daily, and to shine it out rather than keep it in, my joy and peace for today and the future is back!  I share this hoping that any of you that might feel overwhelmed can go to God and learn from this situation, hopefully not the hard way I did. J
     I’m excited to have my whole family together for Christmas, and to enjoy this precious time that I missed while away with YWAM.  I don’t know yet where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing after January, and would really appreciate if you would join me in prayer!!! Would you pray that God would give me the next steps as I wait on Him.  And I believe we all can hear from God, so if you hear anything as you pray (as silly as it might seem) email or call me!  Thank you to those who willingly offered funds for my LA Congress trip.  I still have about $500 dollars to cover if you are able to help with that, please email me at  And if there are things I can be keeping lifted in prayer for you, nothing is too small, please let me know!  It is an honor to stand with you as brothers and sisters.
     I pray God blesses your time with family this Christmas and that He shows you something new about His character.  It is way greater than anything we can grasp, but it is filled with such LOVE that to know even a piece of it is worth everything. 
Merry Christmas!

 - Rayelle

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pella to Missourri to LA to Wisconsin!

Hello Friends,
                Here it is again… another time I’m packing my bags, following God’s direction after the Philippines!  On Tuesday, I’ll be moving out of my friend’s house in Kansas City to make my way on to Long Beach, California for almost 2 weeks. I’ll be running the volunteers and large exhibits for the LA Global Congress (, a 5 day event focused on better practice sharing, praying together, and action plans for reaching the 3600 unreached people groups in the world with the Gospel.  I’ve been working in the call2all office for 3.5 weeks, preparing and organizing the training and positions for over 100 volunteers!  It’s been great to be back in a taste of “project management,” with a new focus!
                Before I share about the other parts of this month, I wanted to take a moment and share some reflection on my time in Pella during October.  After being in Kansas City a week, God gave me the great opportunity to come back to Pella in order to speak at a middle school overnight retreat.  I shared about my experiences in Mexico, Haiti and the Philippines.  Speaking at 9:30pm, I knew I had to do something to keep the young people engaged.  I had so much fun sharing my experiences as a “choose your own adventure” story where they helped me pick along the way such things as… we are on our way to a tribal region, would you like to drive in the Jeepney or the open garbage truck?  There were videos and photos to go with their choices, great amounts of laughter, and great questions about my experiences.  The next day, I was able to share my story with the Teen Challenge ladies of Pella too!  It is amazing watching the doors God has been opening, and getting to be a part of them!
                Leaving Pella for the second time in a week was much harder than I thought.  God has truly made it my “City of Refuge.”  I didn’t really appreciate how special Pella is until I left.  When my friend from Seattle came to visit she was shocked by the little community, with nothing “big” really close to it… she’d only been in cities and suburbs and she considered Pella a “jewel”.  She’s right.  This place, the cleanliness, safety, love-abounding, opportunities, and community… it is something so special!  I’m so thankful God called me to the middle of Iowa for a long, wonderful season of my life and that I can call Third my home church.
                This last month has been a heavy growing time for me internally.  I would say “character building” would be the theme.  Walking with God in this time continues to bring great peace and joy, which I’m so thankful for.  At the same time, I feel the enemy trying to get in my head with fear of the future regarding finances, health, and other things that I’m not “in total control of.”  It is so easy to get wrapped up in fears when you take your focus off of God.  But the truth is that any decisions made out of fear like this, only lead to bondage.  And Christ came for freedom!  So as I have been living in a new place, “working” as a volunteer with a new group, not knowing many people… I’ve been dealing with a number of things including some health issues left over from the Philippines, a vehicle making funny noises, no idea what God is calling me to do after December, and feeling like I’ve given everything to God that I can possibly give, but that He wants even more.  This has truly led me to lean into Him and I believe He has been allowing this to see how “in” with His calling on my life I really am.  I continue to say “Yes and Amen” and in that obedience He is blessing me!  This last week, He has brought some amazing new friends in my life!  During a lunch break, God brought me to Longview Lake, a place I call my second home in KC.  He has had total strangers speak words over me from call2all and IHOP about what God is doing, that affirm no doubt that I’m going the right way.  And He continues to teach me about intimacy with Him, especially in the IHOP Global Prayer Room (of all the wonderful places in the world God could send me for this season).
                So it is with great joy that I arise each morning serving an amazing God.  It is with great joy that I look forward to helping serve at the LA Congress.  It is with great joy and thanksgiving that I am getting to see the girl’s I’ve mentored for over 7 years in Pella the day before I fly to LA.  It is with great joy and hope that I prepare myself to go home to Wisconsin for December to be with my family as my mom undergoes surgery.  It is with great joy that I look forward to God’s continued guidance for 2012 and beyond.  Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.  I pray His joy and peace spreads abundantly to you as well, as you trust in Him.

*Please note, if you would like to give a gift financially towards my 2 week trip to LA (all airfare, housing, car rental, food, parking and additional costs I’m covering on my own) I could really use the help! Email me at  And please mark your calendars for prayer from Nov 29-Dec 3 for the event as I stay organized and guide.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Where's Rayelle? MAINLAND USA! (1 month after DTS)

  I realize time flies... and I've been on the mainland for almost a month!  So, I wanted to give you an update. :)  So... where am I? PELLA, IOWA... until Sunday anyway.  To back up slightly, I came home at the end of September, had a wonderful time seeing my parents for 2 days, while repacking from tropical wear to winter wear.  Then saw my sister for a day (which included fun wedding dress shopping for her!) before coming to Pella.  I've been here almost 4 weeks, and it has been so wonderful!!!  I was nervous about what things would be like coming back here, but as I hit the outskirts of town all I felt was "I'm home!".  Over these last few weeks, God has blessed me with some great encounters with people here!  I've had such an amazing time catching up, praying with people, spending time back at Third with the youth, and so much more!  I also had my friend from YWAM, Chandra, visit here for week.  We went to North Dakota for a weekend to see the IWT (Impact World Tour event) and also to Kansas City to meet those I'll be volunteering with in November, and I introduced Chandra to IHOP (Prayer, not pancakes :)).  God continues to teach me about "leaning into Him," even in the little things, and He keeps surprising me!  I think the greatest part of being back is having the opportunity to see how much God has done inside of me over the last 7 months.  Being in the same environment I was before has truly shown me the changes that happened, that I didn't totally grasp while I was away.  I feel so blessed!

 So Sunday, I move to Kansas City to help with the LA Congress right after Thanksgiving.  As I mentioned in my last email, God had put on my heart to go home for the month of December.  I hadn't really known why, but since my last email He has made it known.  My mom called and shared that she will be needing replacement knee surgery, and they are going to do it the first week of December!  God is so awesome, how He speaks to us when we are willing to listen!  So, I'm going home to be with both of my parents, and to help out.  My dad thinks he is getting a personal chef too, and I can't say I'm sad about that. :)  Plus, I'll get to use my new found CNA skills!

 I'm still not sure where I'll be going in January, but I still feel tremendous peace about it!  Please do keep me in your prayers for that!  May God bless all of you with greater joy each day!  Finally, if you are in Pella on Sunday (this weekend, Oct 30th) I'll be doing a presentation about my YWAM time from 12:30pm-1:30pm at Third Church in the Furnace (below the Auditorium).  All are invited!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Philippines: Baptism

Written: Wednesday, August 24th... 

             Earlier today, I had the great honor of sharing my love with Christ in the way of adult baptism.  I hope none of you are offended by this, knowing I was baptized as a baby, but I want to share with you the great joy I have in my heart.

 I was baptized as an infant on August 24, 1980, when I was just over a month old.  For this past year, after seeing some of the youth I have led baptized, God has put on my heart “reaffirming the choice on my own”.  I’m so grateful that God put me in a family with parents who love the Lord, who gave me the great blessing of baptism as a baby, and declared that they would raise me in the Biblical tradition.  They have done so in mighty ways.

As I’ve consistently prayed about it, my heart has grown with excitement!  I feel so unworthy of the sacrifice God gave for us.  That He would limit himself in human form to live as we do, and to die a horrific death when He did not deserve it, simply to show love for us and to give us the opportunity to be free.  I can never say thank you enough.  God gave me life on this earth, and the only thing I felt like I could give Him back was that same life, as a living sacrifice for Him.  I am His.  So today, on August 24th, I ventured to the sea with 4 of my closest classmates, a pastor from a local church we’ve worked with the past couple of months, 3 of his church members I call friends, and the love of God penetrating my heart. 

As we prepared for the sacrament, Pastora Grace strummed a hymn on the guitar and we sang “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back”.  “No turning back” were the last words I shared as I entered the plane in Milwaukee leaving for my time in Kona.  There is more truth in that statement that many others I’ve shared in life. 

As I walked into the ocean, each step felt more freeing than the next.  Pastor Jerry prayed for me and we praised God.  This act of baptism was nothing about what God would do for me.  It was a declaration of my love for God.  That I saw Him as a man proposing down on one knee, asking me to be his bride, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, “I love you!  I give you all of me.” 

When I came back to the apartment a friend asked me if I felt any different, as the act of baptism represents repentance and entering as your old self and coming up a new creation.  Initially I said no, it was simply a fresh commitment to the Lord and that I simply wanted to love Him with no expectations back.  Then, as I finished the sentence, God revealed to me that in these past 5 months I have become a new creation, I’d just never put words to it.  The spiritual eyes He has given me, the deeper roots into Him as my foundation, and the love I’ve never felt so intensely has truly made me a new creation.  Thank you Lord!  Amen.  May all glory be His.

                Psalm 1: I want to be like a tree planted by the streams of living water!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

From the Philippines: Why I'm doing "Mission" work

Brothers, Sisters, Friends & Enemies:    
     Yesterday my team spent 11 hours in churches, here in Tagum City.I believe that is a record for meJ.Though it was strenuous, it was all worth it, and the cherry to top the ice cream “Sunday” was a question my team leader asked in a sermon he shared.His words were simply a question, “Why do I do missions?” I realized I had not shared this answer with you well, and I want to do so today.
     The Bible states in Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.The fact is this statement is not a request; rather it is a command from God for His followers.But, this is not why I am doing “mission work” here in the Philippines.
      There are times when organized religion makes it seem that people are going around trying to make everyone else "like them". To make their clubs "bigger" for more money, or whatever. But, I must say that if the world was full of people like me, I think that would be overwhelming! One Rayelle is enough for the world, so I don't do Mission work because I want more people in my club.
      The reason I am here at this time is because the love I have for my LORD is so great that as I think about it, I feel like my body will burst from pure joy! The same God who spoke and created the universes, lives inside of me by the Holy Spirit.He is ALIVE!He speaks to me, He shares His love with me all day long.He gives me the honor of being able to pray with others and to ask God how He sees them, and God speaks to me to share those things with individuals! And it not my words and thoughts, these are people I’ve never met before and God speaks so specifically that people crumble in tears from His love!
     Yesterday we prayed for a man, Paulos, and 3 of us heard separately the same thing!One person heard “Perseverance” and received a Scripture.I saw a picture in my mind of waves hitting rocks on a coast and I asked God what it meant and he said“Perseverance” and a third person saw Paulos climbing a mountain.It was snow covered and brutal, but he was almost to the top and the other side was a beautiful field with wild flowers, and God spoke about perseverance.When we all shared these things, I think we were more in awe at first than Paulos.But Paulos needed to hear that word from God.What love the Father in Heaven has for His children! Nothing by our power, but toally the Holy Spirit being allowed to move and becaues God loves Paulos more than any of us!
      The only thing worth leaving a great job, my house, family, friends, and everything the American Dream would say should fulfill me is this LOVE!God is so faithful and everyday He fills me with more of His love.He shows me how alive He is, and how much He loves others.It is the most precious gift and the strongest force I’ve ever known. So why did I do it?Leave“everything” to come here… the answer is LOVE.
      I hope that you are blessed by my sharing, and that you feel the love God has for you. It is an amazing thing to know that no matter what, God loves you, and He loved you first... He just wants our love. If face that is why He made us! (see Genesis) If you have any prayer requests send them my way! And if you pray for my team and I, please lift up our health and perseverence these last 4.5 weeks here in the Philippines. We'll be very busy at schools, churchs, evangalizing, and even doing construction this week!!! (blame it on my Mexico trips, buildling homes... but I'm mega-excited for construction :))

May God Bless You in your times of rest, work, and play,


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Filipino Birthday!!!

I don't have much time, but thanks for those who asked about my birthday!  I totally went into the day telling God I didn't need anything special as it was a travel day to Mati, where we are serving all week.  But God loves to spoil us and He has been showing me that in my time here especially in the "little ways" no one else would know how to do it here! :)  You see at home a great birthday would usually involve a good meal and games with my family, much laughter, singing and more.  And I've always wanted a "surprise party" in my life.

Well, we were on a 3 hour bus ride, or more, when we arrived.  It is hotter here, and we met some pastors, waited a long time in the heat for our rooms (that's okay), and more... we then made our way to a "pastors gathering" which turned out to be a HOG ROAST!  Hello great food!  (and praise the Lord I was feeling better to be able to eat it!)  They sang to me "Happy Birthday", had a dart board, basketball and a pool table!  (DARTS I missed) and great company!  Exactly what I longed for with food and games and fun!  Then as we came home late to the orphanage where we are staying... the leader and I lagged back, only to find that they had a surprise party waiting for me!  I walked in (NO IDEA) and each of my team was holding a mini cupcake with a candle in the dark, singing!  There were snacks, and a multi-tiered tower of champagne glasses filled with fruit punch, and a sign!!! IT WAS AWESOME!  Great music (thanks Frank Sinatra), a little dancing, and they took the time to each share how I've blessed their lives.

So the day that was to be "whatever" was one of the best birthdays ever!  Thanks for all the wishes from home also, HUGE BONUS!  So greatful to be here and for all of you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tagum City, Philippines... You want my autograph?

Hello Friends!

I can't believe how fast time has gone! It is July 5th here (we are ahead of Central US by 13 hours) and I'm sitting in an internet café for the first time, a 5 minute tricycle ride from our apartment. We have been in Tagum City for 1.5 weeks now and the time seems to be going so quickly!  My team has a blog going with photos, video, and write ups at so check it out!!! (it's part of my work duty while we are on outreach).

Just to try to give you a feel of what it is like here, from my perspective... we are in a city that is less than 10 years old, and it is growing rapidly.  There are 12 of us here on the team, and as we walk around the community we are literally seen as “famous” because we look so differently than the Filipinos (tall and white).  This has been a huge blessing as people WANT to talk with us, but it is also overwhelming at times when people surround us, ask us to have pictures with them, and have even been asked for autographs!  I must also add that I’ve never felt more beautiful in my life than here, as each day I’m being told I’m “guapa” which is beautiful in Talago, their native language in the southern area of the Philippines.  It is wonderful, but at the same time sad as it shows a major issue here, that the Filipinos see themselves as less than other cultures.  We are trying to show them how amazing God has made them!

            We’ve had the opportunity to meet many people through activities that include:

-          Attending a “youth on fire” event where we did a skit and prayed for over 50 people, and it included an opportunity to accept Christ that 40ish chose to do! YEAH!

-          Playing Ultimate Frisbee in a park with locals, building relationships, and talking to approximately 30 young people in the park too.  We sang songs, shared stories, and God even opened a door for me to be able to meet a group of engineering students there, and to share my story of God’s faithfulness!

-          A group went to a prison north of us and they were able to share their testimonies with the guards and leadership!  They were sitting in the midst of some of the highest leaders of the Philippines, police and military.  Somewhat intimidating sharing Jesus being surrounded by men in uniform holding M16s, but God is with us and opening doors all over! J

-          We’ve been in a number of churches here where we’ve made contacts, done skits (including the Everything skit), and my group even asked me to give the sermon this last Sunday in a Compostella Valley church.  I wasn’t nervous at all, and God gave me some awesome words on the dreams He has for each of us being bigger than we can imagine (see my story and many in the Bible… Abraham, David, Noah, Esther, etc)

We are getting our schedule set for the remainder of the time that will include doing seminars with some local pastors to encourage them and teach them some new tools, as well as going into a number of high schools and colleges to evangelize and invite the youth to some larger meetings at the end of our time.  There is a spirit of religion here, where people know of Jesus but don’t have a relationship.  In fact at noon the malls even come to a stop as there is a Hail Mary prayer played over the intercom.  It’s very different from home, so learning God’s heart for people in a new way.

Some of the additional “fun things” we’ve done include getting to know the Call2All Impact World Tour team through fellowship by food and playing volleyball together.  For my teammate’s birthday we ate at a French restaurant to have a break from the basics of rice and vegetables that they eat around here.  And shopping at the local outdoor market is always an adventure. 

I’m so thankful to be here at this time.  The cost of living is much less, 43 pesos equals an American dollar and to give you an idea, a specialty coffee drink is about 80 pesos, I can get an ice cream bar for 20 pesos, and we can get across the city in a tricycle for 9 pesos.

I’ll be trying to do more video on our group page, so keep a watch there.  Thanks for all your support and prayers, it is an honor to be here!  Please pray for opportunities for us to evangelize to open up in the area and for my heart to be open to the Filipinos.  I’m such an action minded person, and the people here are very relational.  Being an hour late is not abnormal, so I’m learning to appreciate that.  My biggest request would be more intimacy with Jesus in my time here and I yearn to know Him more.

Salamat!  (Thanks in Talago)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kona, Hawaii... Note from the Heart


WOW!  My heart is just beaming right now with love!  It is Thursday, May 26th and I'm in the prayer room here at the University of Nations (YWAM base) in Kona, Hawaii.  I have been on base almost 7 weeks and in less than a month, eleven of us will leave for the Philippines (others from my group are going to Kenya, Brazil, LA/NY) for almost 3 months to reach out to the people!  Oh the freedom and love of Jesus we will be taking!  I'm almost halfway through this journey, and I can whole heartedly say that the message God gave me about one year ago, that my "Favorite Part" was coming up... if this is what He meant, AMEN!  This time here is ....!!!  I can't even put into words how wonderful the time with God here in the Call2All DTS has been!  I've spent some time reflecting recently about how awesome God is!  And I will keep chasing Jesus!

As you read this if you have any tug on your heart to do something like this check out and the DTS section!  There is a call2all next April you can join!!!  And check out too!  There are bases all around the world.  And I'm telling you 6 months of you life, it is well worth it, seriously the best choice I've ever made!

 If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be living in Hawaii for 6 months I would have laughed, out loud, a lot... but seriously I am!  God called me, I obeyed with my house, God gave me a voluntary way to leave my job for a time and so much more... and I currently live in Hawaii!  In community, with roommates that I adore, going to class with 36 people from 9 different countries, I have work duty each day that I enjoy, and and I'm being filled up with a love inside of me that is like a waterfall that flows out to others!

I can't wait to share more about the amazing truths we are learning here!  It is so good, I wish I could plug my brain in here and download it all!  But it goes so deep into my heart that I can't wait to show all of you!  God hears us when we share with Him, and He wants to speak to us!  He wants to share with us the plans He has for us in life, and those plans are like us giving up pennies to receive dollars from Him.  He has taken some deep hurts in my life that Satan has been using to hold me back from the dreams God has for me, and the Lord has broken those chains!  He is like a great surgeon who goes in and removes the junk and sews you up that you never see it again.  there may be slight pain at first but it can be healed, really healed!  EEEEK :)

Love you all!  Thank you to all of you who have been praying, those who partner with me and for all those who have shown me love my whole life!  You've been Jesus' hands and feet to me! :)

Favorite Quotes from Kona, IA

The speakers we have week are such a blessing!  Here are some of my favorite quotes from them that I want to remind myself of... feel free to use them!!! :)

-God's love is like getting a suntan, you can't work harder for it, you just go into the sun!

-We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

-A dream pursued consciously or unconciously will be the most likely prediction of the future.

-The greatest waste of natural resources is the amount of people who never live up to their full potential.

Friday, May 6, 2011

from Kona, Hawaii... Miss Independent?

WOW, I've been here a month!  I can't believe it!  The time has flown, and each week is truly amazing and challenging!

I want to share with you how God just totally wrecked me and met me this week... I'd been doing well for the most part, learning, building great relationships with others here, etc. but I was still struggling with not feeling as connected to God as I had in the past and not understanding why I couldn't emotionally grasp some things, that I so wanted to not let hinder me.  I tried new things, went more to the prayer room, and out of sheer frustration, told Him I'd pray and worship until it was time!

A couple weeks ago I had been walking by a beautiful tree with white and yellow flowers.  Many fall to the ground each  night and wither quickly.  As I stared at these seemingly tossed away portions, God spoke to my heart.  He said that He loves the tree so much that he yearns for it to flower and be beautiful, but when the time comes to let old things go, to do so, in order to bud and gain new beauty to share.  Huh... wow God... I'd  not thought of it like that... I remember asking God, what is it that I must let go, that you are putting on my heart?  Show me! (God always answers when it is for His ways)...

On Wednesday & Thursday this week my class spent a great amount of time in prayer as the first half of all our outreach payments (and any left overs from lecture) had to be paid for in order to buy plane tickets.  With all those left to pay, including myself, our total need was over $40,000.  I felt helpless.  In my life, the last 7 years specifically, I've been the giver!  I've been blessed to share so much with individuals and organizations, and I've tried to obey when God asked that I give.  But now... I was in need, and I, for the first time that I could remember... I couldn't fix it!  With my house for sale, needing a certain amount to cover it monthly, bills coming in higher than I remember, and an amount needed for outreach, I started to tell God that what He was doing was wrong.  That if my house was sold months ago, I could have helped so many more people!  I realize this was silly to tell God my way was better but in my mind it was all I could grasp at.  Thursday afternoon I felt so helpless, a flood of tears came out of me with a feeling I hadn't known since a little girl... what was it??? And then the answer...Dependence.  I had no choice at all, but to be totally dependent on God.  In a strange way it was a wonderful feeling... I had no other choice, and that is what we are supposed to do... be dependent on God, right? And I found that over the years I had lost that... but now it was back!

Later Thursday night, worship was filled with so much more freedom!  And after the service, one of our leader's asked us to pray for a biblical studies' student and God's voice was so clear, just as I'd felt it in the past!  And as I walked away that night, by myself, God continued to speak into me as I leaned into the dependence on Him, trusting Him that He'd provide and show me what I needed to do... and as I walked a single flower laid on the sidewalk... white with a touch of yellow in the center, fresh enough that it must have fallen only hours before.

This morning, Friday, as we went to class and worshiped together my mind started wandering into all the areas I could "make things happen with the finances needed" and I had to force myself to stop them.  Then as we took a pause in worship, our leader said let's see the list of how much we owe and flipped the white board around... what would the 40,000 be now, that had gone to 30,000 only the day before??? The answer = 0.  Jesus Paid it All.  Yes, somehow through all the wonderful givings that people gave to me and others and through prayer someone gave the remainder of this half of the outreach funds... and it was all taken care of, none left, that's it!  I couldn't believe it.  I stood there in shock.  The truth is last night I had a dream of a checkbook end line showing a 0 and I thought it was a nightmare of my funds coming true... but nope, God had it all under control.  He is in charge.  To say the worship after was awesome is an understatement.

I'm so glad God calls us to be dependent on Him.  He wants to give us good gifts and to have us simply love Him.  I can't wait to see what God will do with us as His hands and feet here in Kona and in the Philippines at the end of June.  Just a few thousand dollars left to raise for the last bit of the trip!  Thanks to all who have obeyed and chosen to be a part of this with me! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

from Kona, Hawaii... a lesson from a stranger

Today was another amazing day here in Kona!  Had a great morning shower, yummy breakfast, and wonderful worship... but the best part of my day was how God blew me away and opened up my heart in a new way... because of a stranger.

Our lessons this morning were filled with great stories and words of wisdom.  As we wrapped the morning session up, our leader asked us to pull out a piece of paper and write down what we were thankful for... "you have 7 minutes... GO!" he shouted.  I wrote and wrote... amazingly coming up with a number of things I hadn't thought of in awhile, including my dad's miraculous recovery from cancer over 20 years ago!  Then our leader had us break them into categories and build mini testimony stories of God's great provision!  As soon as we thought we were done, it was time to get out of our chairs and share!  That's right, on the spot "practice for outreach" he said... share with someone you don't know!  And we were going to do this 3 times.  Gazing at my list, I was in awe of how God really had provided in some amazing ways.  It made me feel a lot better with things I'm asking for now. :)  The first 2 times of sharing were good, but I want to tell you about the third one... a young man came up to me, dark skinned and with a big smile.  He said "Hi, want to share?" and I said "Sure, go ahead"... I wish I could remember his name, but what he shared I will never forget...

I'm thankful to be here he said and for God's taking care of me.  A couple weeks ago I had to go and get my visa to come to the US.  I'm from the Ivory Coast, my family and I moved away because of the radical war going on, but I had to go back in for the visa.  God was so great!  I arrived safely, found an empty home to stay in during the process and stayed there for 10 days.  God provided some food to eat and safety.  I was alone all day and night.  God showed me what resting in Him looks like and I was not found by the fighters, and no stray bullets hit the house.  I was able to get the visa and make it out safely, and I didn't spend one dollar the time.  Now I'm here!  God is good!  Time up...

WOW.  This guy risked EVERYTHING more than I could imagine to follow a calling to come to YWAM, and here I am sharing a story about a laptop.  God have mercy on me and thank you for this man you brought here from the Ivory Coast.  I want my heart to be as open as his.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where's Rayelle: 4th Entry from Kona, Hawaii including my OUTREACH!

I've wanted to write more this last week, but I'm struggling with where to even start!  This last week we had a speaker named Mark Anderson, who fed us great biblical truth... with so much information it was like drinking water from a firehose!  It was great, but this last week was tougher for me... as truthfully, God is showing me some things in my life that He wants me to be aware of and to help me fix.  And the fact is, that at times it is painful going through the process of dealing with past issues, facing the current issues, but so great realizing the future will be brighter because of God's great love for me.  The main issue I'm dealing with is "numbness".  I've felt it the last year in multiple areas of my life on how I care for people, other nations, my daily schedule... but mostly I was numb towards myself.  I felt that other people deserved things, but behind the scenes I felt I didn't.  Praise the Lord, He is lifting this veil for me to understand and is showing me why and how!  There are many steps to go, but the hardest part is over now... may the healing begin :)  I'll write more on some of the cool lessons last week!  But...

Now, the BIG NEWS!  We received our final outreach locations and at the end of June I'll be heading to Tagum, Philippines!  I'm so excited!!!  There are 9 students and 2 leaders going and we'll be there for 3 months helping grow some church plants with people in their teens, working with battered women shelters, and growing relationships in the muslim areas to God willing share about Jesus.  Did I mention I'm excited!!! :)  God is already doing amazing things around me and in me and it's only the third week. :)  If you are interested in joining in this journey, in prayer or financially please check out the PARTNERSHIP page on my blog, as I'll be working to raise about $5000 for the 3 months in the Philippines.  Thanks for believing in what God is doing!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our group's favorite game :)

I thought you all might enjoy this... to get to know each other and for some fun we love to play the SIGNS game.  Do you know it?  Each person has a sign for them (you'll see some here) and the person in the middle has to tag the person who has the sign.  You pass it around by the person who has the sign giving another person's sign. :)  FUN in Kona! :)  Plus you can see some of my classmates.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where's Rayelle: 3rd Entry from Kona, Hawaii

WOW... It is Saturday and I'm in my room alone reflecting on the first week of class.  I wish I could show you the inside of my heart and mind as there is so much refreshment that has come in me and I'm already changed in a really good way.  I am so glad to be here, to have this opportunity, and to learn more about the great God we serve and the love of Jesus.

My verse today I've been enjoying is from Psalms 89:1-2.  Check it out! :)

This week we are starting to get into the schedule of things that will go on for the next 3 months.  We have class each day, some wonderful prayer times, and work duty!  Our classes each week are led my different leaders here on campus and those who come in from around the world to share with us.  I am so honored to be a part of an amazing group and family (ohana).  And my work duty is putting up in the morning, and taking down at night with 3 other people the 70 flags representing those here as students, teachers, and more.  It is a lot of flags, but an amazing time for prayer and to learn the flag designs of many countries I didn't know! :)

Our classes this week have been penetrating my heart to a depth I've never felt.  We have taken on the topic of God's love in a new way and we've discussed and practiced intercessory prayer.  If you've not heard of Joy Dawson she is an amazing woman of God who has written on practical ways to dig deep into intercessory prayer that have helped me a ton this week!  I've known a lot of things (by the way, intercessory prayer is praying on behalf of others) about this kind of prayer but with the classes help, there has been a new freedom in my prayers and some biblical definition given to things I've not totally understood before.  And the prayers people have prayed for me... it is radical the God we serve and the way He speaks through others to answer questions we were just asking Him ourselves.  PLEASE check out the link below if you want to hear our talks, they record them.  They will be amazing food for your souls.

I'm so thankful to be here, I may say that a lot, but I really am!  My roommates are just terrific!  They have amazing hearts of servants.  And we talk about such life giving things, even through cultural differences and we laugh... a lot!  And my class is so wonderful.  It is amazing to see how God is working in a group from 9 nations... 36 or so students, over 10 teachers and bringing us together in unity as we learn, care for each other, and grow.  My heart just beams as I reflect on it!  If you can't tell I just have JOY oozing out of me :).

Oh yeah, and Hawaii is beautiful!  The palm trees, rainbows :), oceans, wildlife (by the way there are no snakes here!  yeah!), and the air... so great. 

If you could be praying for me here are a couple items that I'd like you to intercede for...
1. We were given 4 choices to pray about to go on for outreach at the end of June... the choices are... 1. LA/NY, 2. Brazil, 3. Phillipines, 4. Kenya.  Please ask God to speak to me clearly this weekend on this topic
2. Guidance on my house as it is still for sale in Pella
3. That my heart would stay open to his teaching and growing
4. I went swimming in the ocean last night and kicked a rock and broke my left foot middle toe.  So praying for quick healing and that it won't hinder things here.

Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement!  And if you have skype... about 8-10pm Central time is a good time for me if it works for you. :)  Please send me your prayer requests also and know that God loves you so much He is willing to sacrifice anything for you, in fact He did with His Son just so that He could share LOVE with you. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where's Rayelle: 2nd Entry from Kona, Hawaii

Hello everyone!  I'm very tired, it has been a day full of many activities :) but I wanted to share before I went to bed.  I enjoy reflecting on the days here so much, and every day seems to be more exciting and glorious than the last!  Today was our first day of class.  We have breakfast from 6:30-7:15am (each day includes fresh Hawaiian fruit... today was pineapple... yum!).  On Monday's we have group worship in the Ohana Court (ohana=family in Hawaiian) to start the day.  Then off to class, backpacks and all!  Our classroom is open air, which who wouldn't want that here! 

Today one of our main leaders, Aaron, shared some of his story and we talked about God's love for us.  We talked about how since birth we are compared to each other through height and weight percentiles, and later on in life we are compared to others by how we look and based on our performance in school, sports, and work.  We are trained in such a way that when God wants to tell us He loves us, we tend to think we need to perform a certain way for Him.  Compare this to the analogy of a man asking a woman to marry him.  The man plans out the whole event, is down on one knee and shares those word "I love you.  Will you marry me?"  The woman looks at him and says "I'll do your laundry for you, make dinner, change our babies diapers and clean the house."  What kind of a let down answer that would be!  When God tells us He loves us, He doesn't want to hear all the things we are going to do for Him.  He wants us to love Him, to say YES to the groom.  It was a great check for me today... and there is freedom that bursts forth through this.  We had an amazing prayer time too.  I had been asking God some specific questions about a "wall" up around me and His plans for me while I'm here and a leader prayed for me and to the very detail God spoke through her the answers I was seeking.  Praise Jesus! :)  And this is a time of infilling for me and a more intimate relationship with my Savior.

This is the class I'm doing and the detail with it :)
The remainder of the day was filled with great conversation over meals with people from my Call2All class and other classes, as well as some terrific games we played as a group.  Our leaders are doing a wonderful job having time for us to create "ohana".  We played the signs game (see the picture) and the "have you ever game".  I'm truly enjoying learning about my YWAM family with new surprises each day!  Our stories are so different, yet God's loved is woven in each of us, and brings us together as a beautiful tapestry. :)

Playing the Signs game

To finish off the day a group walked about a mile to the pier in Kona and we had a late night swim.  We actually jumped off the pier and swam to shore through the crystal clear water.  It was a refreshing way to end a day filled with joy and laughter.  I'm excited for a great night's rest and to see what tomorrow brings. :)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Where's Rayelle: Kona, Hawaii

Friends, what an amazing day it has been.  I arrived in Kona last night after a long day of traveling, but it has been well worth the trip.  I wish you were all here with me to experience this.  The land here is beautiful... the birds of the air, the flowers growing everywhere.  But even more amazing than that is the group of people here.  We have come from far away... but I've never been in such an amazing array of God's people.  Just like Revelation 5:9 talks about "and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation"; tonight as we had a ceremony that reminded me of the Olympics with flag bearers, dancing, and cheering it was announced that 39 nations are represented within our groups.  Thirty nine countries!  Together in the same place!  To help you understand the depth of this, slightly more... I currently have 3 roommates, 2 are from South Korea and 1 is from Switzerland.  They all speak english as a second language so our discussions have been good, but tend to use quite a few added hand gestures.  Tonight at worship, to my right was a couple from Norway and to my left a young woman from Africa and next to her a woman from New Zealand... and we all worshiped and praised our great God together!  Then a woman from Hawaii prayed for me!  What a beautiful world we live in.  I'm honored to be a part of this here and to learn about God's love in new ways.  I must admit, I'm addicted... I'm addicted to the love of Jesus.  It is sweeter than honey and more precious than jewels. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where's Rayelle: Wisconsin:) for 1 week

WOW... Where do I start?  A friend told me the other night on the phone that this part of my journey might be my toughest... the time of limbo... he was right.  Here is the update.  I'm currently at my parent's house in Wisconsin, over the last week I've emptied my home, had a garage sale that was fantastic (even with snow and freezing weather) where I sold 75% at least of what I had, afterward packed everything I own into a 10' moving truck, and I've said many good byes (or "see you laters" anyway) and they don't get easier.  For those of you in Pella, I miss you already and you've made me feel so loved. 

Driving across the border to Wisconsin on Tuesday night was strange... my normal WOOHOO! just didn't feel right as I feel like I left a small piece of me behind (whoever thought... Iowa :)).  Being home I'm not really unpacking, more organizing, simplifying and learning how to lean into God a new way.  I'm ready to be on my way, but enjoying seeing family, because 1 week from now I'll be on my way to YWAM!

That's right, the time is actually here!  Next Thursday (April 7th) I have 3 flights to catch, and at 1am central time I'll be landing on the beautiful island of Hawaii, that I will call home for 3 months.  There are 35+ students in the class I'll be joining, and they come from all over the world!  Africa, Canada, Ireland, US, and Korea just to name a few!  The base where I'll be will be quite busy as 5 classes are all starting (so figure over 150 new people).  I'll be bunking it with roommates again and loving every second of it (I hope)!  I'm so excited for YWAM to start, and to learn more about God and to serve others in new ways.  I'm so excited I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. ;)  (I never understood that phrase before... but I think I get it now).

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, your compassion, your partnership, and more.  Email me at to be on my prayer email list and if you can lift up a prayer today for me, please pray for my house to sell.  No worries, God continues to show His awesome power in all of this :).


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where's Rayelle: Iowa :) for a little bit

What a strange week.  I'm back in Iowa and am unemployed... weird!  I'll be in Pella till the 19th then off to Wisconsin for a bit, then back to Iowa for a weekend, then back to Wisconsin... then God willing on a plane April 7th headed to YWAM for the next giant step in my life!  God is continuing to prove that He is with me every day, even when those days are quiet at my house, starting to consolidate my belongings.  He is teaching me about control this week, that I want it and that's not how it works... I'm not always the fastest learner and I like to be in control, but the plans He has for me are much greater than I could ever "plan".  So I'm thankful He is reminding me of that and calling me to spend time with Him in the midst of the hectic world around me.  God you are good!  And you know me... been sitting in Psalms 139 all week, check it out! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where's Rayelle: MICHIGAN :)

I just realized today, I'm unemployed!  Weird.  I guess the best part that comes of that for me this week is that I can take a mini road trip!  So here I am in Michigan visiting AWESOME people!  I feel refreshed (partly from the naps) but mainly from the way God is continuing to show himself!  I even met a woman, and her family, today that I had talked with on the phone through another Christian friend... as they had left everything here in the states a few years ago to move to Italy to do mission work.  They literally sold their home, everything they owned, and went!  What a great encouragement.  So glad to be here!

Yeah Pure Michigan :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where's Rayelle: PELLA, IA :)

Some of you may have started to receive my little "Where's Rayelle" cards.  Right now I'm in a place I truly call home, and hope I'll return to some day... Pella, IA.  You know God has a sense of humor when he moves a gal from Wisconsin here. :)  (you Wisconsinites will understand that).  I'm so excited for the next steps in life and each present day.  They are truly filled with joy.

If you are around Monday, February 28th plan to join me for my "last day at Pella Corp" party at the Opera House in Pella from 4:30-7pm.  You can just stop in, give me a hug, get some great sweets (including a chocolate fountain) and enjoy the celebrating with me!  Hope you'll join!  Families are welcome.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT: What I believe the next step will be!

Dear Friends, what an amazing journey I am on. As I create in my kitchen this very afternoon, my mind is reflecting on God’s love for us. One of the main things I’ve been finding myself focusing on today is the fact that as God has continued to call my heart, my actions to follow Him are not about “not doing” a bunch of things some people call bad, but it is more about a love and yearning growing inside of me to do the good he calls us too!
Philippians 4:8-9 says Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
As I focus on this I find myself mostly listening to Christian music, reading Christian books, not watching scary or heavily romantic movies, and much more. This has been happening over the years and it’s not about a checklist of good and bad, God has been changing my heart and it feels so good! My prayer is that He won’t let you stay the same and that you can enjoy the JOY I feel each and every day even during the days I want to just stay in bed .

With all that said, here it is… the announcement… what I believe God is calling me to next! I’ve done the research, called people, put in applications and PRAYED and I’ve waited, and in all that God has been gracious. It is with great excitement that I share with all of you that I believe the next step on my path is to join the group YWAM (Youth With a Mission) for 6 months in their DTS (Discipleship Training School). YWAM has been around since 1960s and has bases all over the world! Please look online  if you want to know more info, and please keep me in your prayers. The training would have me at a base for 3 months and then doing outreach somewhere in the world for the last 3 months. I have been accepted to a program with the theme “Call 2 All” that would start in April. God willing I will be able to share more soon! I believe this is the path, but that can always change. Check out

If you are willing to pray, please pray for my family as they support me in this new direction, that God would give clear direction on the house I own and all my belongings, and that I may love well where I am the next few months.  If you are interested in financially supporting, there is opportunity to give directly to YWAM for me by donating online at as part of my student tuition or outreach.  Or contact me for more details!  The cost for the 6 months will be about $10,000.

Thanks to all of your love and support, and I hope that you will be walking this journey with me!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting closer?

Dear Friends, I want to say thank you for all of your care as you've asked how things are, how God's direction has been, and how I can be prayed for!  I feel so grateful for all the relationships I'm honored to have with so many amazing people.  This process has been something very new for me... I call it the: RESEARCH, PRAY, and WAIT cycle :).  Because that is what I do, sometimes it feels mundane, but I'm savoring the process and so excited by the many opportunties out there for Jesus light to shine! 

I don't have the exact answer yet to what I might be doing but I think I'm getting close to what the next step might be.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers and I hope to share soon!  One thing I know for sure is that God is faithful and His timing is perfect.


Some things I'm looking at:
Teaching internationally (they  need math/science teachers that speak english all over!)
YWAM (Youth With a Mission DTS class)
Global Expiditions
Nannying in Italy
??? :)