Sunday, July 31, 2011

From the Philippines: Why I'm doing "Mission" work

Brothers, Sisters, Friends & Enemies:    
     Yesterday my team spent 11 hours in churches, here in Tagum City.I believe that is a record for meJ.Though it was strenuous, it was all worth it, and the cherry to top the ice cream “Sunday” was a question my team leader asked in a sermon he shared.His words were simply a question, “Why do I do missions?” I realized I had not shared this answer with you well, and I want to do so today.
     The Bible states in Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.The fact is this statement is not a request; rather it is a command from God for His followers.But, this is not why I am doing “mission work” here in the Philippines.
      There are times when organized religion makes it seem that people are going around trying to make everyone else "like them". To make their clubs "bigger" for more money, or whatever. But, I must say that if the world was full of people like me, I think that would be overwhelming! One Rayelle is enough for the world, so I don't do Mission work because I want more people in my club.
      The reason I am here at this time is because the love I have for my LORD is so great that as I think about it, I feel like my body will burst from pure joy! The same God who spoke and created the universes, lives inside of me by the Holy Spirit.He is ALIVE!He speaks to me, He shares His love with me all day long.He gives me the honor of being able to pray with others and to ask God how He sees them, and God speaks to me to share those things with individuals! And it not my words and thoughts, these are people I’ve never met before and God speaks so specifically that people crumble in tears from His love!
     Yesterday we prayed for a man, Paulos, and 3 of us heard separately the same thing!One person heard “Perseverance” and received a Scripture.I saw a picture in my mind of waves hitting rocks on a coast and I asked God what it meant and he said“Perseverance” and a third person saw Paulos climbing a mountain.It was snow covered and brutal, but he was almost to the top and the other side was a beautiful field with wild flowers, and God spoke about perseverance.When we all shared these things, I think we were more in awe at first than Paulos.But Paulos needed to hear that word from God.What love the Father in Heaven has for His children! Nothing by our power, but toally the Holy Spirit being allowed to move and becaues God loves Paulos more than any of us!
      The only thing worth leaving a great job, my house, family, friends, and everything the American Dream would say should fulfill me is this LOVE!God is so faithful and everyday He fills me with more of His love.He shows me how alive He is, and how much He loves others.It is the most precious gift and the strongest force I’ve ever known. So why did I do it?Leave“everything” to come here… the answer is LOVE.
      I hope that you are blessed by my sharing, and that you feel the love God has for you. It is an amazing thing to know that no matter what, God loves you, and He loved you first... He just wants our love. If face that is why He made us! (see Genesis) If you have any prayer requests send them my way! And if you pray for my team and I, please lift up our health and perseverence these last 4.5 weeks here in the Philippines. We'll be very busy at schools, churchs, evangalizing, and even doing construction this week!!! (blame it on my Mexico trips, buildling homes... but I'm mega-excited for construction :))

May God Bless You in your times of rest, work, and play,


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