Friday, January 23, 2015

A New Chapter in 2015

God continues to amaze me, and it seems it is time to start updating this blog again.

A new year is upon us... 2015 and with it big changes.  This Wisconsinite will soon become... a Californian!

In February 2014 I found myself visiting a lovely friend in Kansas City, and while there I spent some time at IHOP (International House of Prayer).  While there I asked God many things and enjoyed a special time with Him.  I asked about when my next step might happen, especially with my roommate looking to graduate in 2014.  God spoke and shared that by the end of the year I would know the next step... and oh He is a God of suspense... for even though I missed a message a few days earlier on December 31st I received a job offer that will change my life. :)  To be a Director of Programming for a non-profit called Mountain and Sea Adventures!

Let the journey begin.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 (aka my birthday!)

What makes a birthday great?  So many things... just wanted to share my adventure with you!

After moving into an apartment on Saturday, attending a wedding, and a family reunion... who wouldn't want to have a big dinner party on Tuesday (just 3 days later?) :)

I had my "bike club" over for dinner.


AND... in remembrance of the Philippines, made the famous Mango Float dessert... yum!

We didn't get to do our weekly 15+ mile bike ride, because of the weather.  After dinner though, with no rain in sight, we took a walk to the Lighthouse... only to make it out half way and have a storm roll in!  I've never been so drenched in my life!  Waves splashing, thunder/lightening, and rain coming at us horizontally for a good 10 minutes!  It was scary and spectacular all at the same time.  What a show!


Birthday morning!  This is where the real fun began.  In honor of my birthday, and all I've been given... I decided for this year to follow The BDAY Project!  I read about it over 6 months ago... and have been so excited.  Basically it is sharing 1 random act of kindness for each year of life I've been given.  I knew it would be hard to do, being a work day and all, but I was going to step up to the challenge.

Before I started the journey, a good breakfast was in order... and why not eat it from the best view in the city? My amazing new apartment rooftop! :) If you need my new address email me!

Check out the main website for where the idea came from.  The original blog is awesome!


1. Slightly planned, slightly spontaneous.  Decided to write an anonymous note to my mail person! They don't get thanked enough for what they do!

2. Decided to cash in my free drink birthday coupon at Starbucks!  And decided, with someone behind me, to buy their drink! Chai latte for them, check!

3. I had bought a scone too at Starbucks, originally to suck up some of my caffeine, but in honor of the day, I walked up to a guy on a ladder at work, changing a large light bulb.  I asked if he liked blueberries, and handed over the goods to a very surprised worker.  This is so much fun!

 4. I had ordered a book "Ruined for the Ordinary" and decided to send it to a co-worker first, before I went through it.  She was so excited to get it!

5. Based on a past example I read on I decided to leave some quarters with a note on vending machines!  I didn't know how much... so went with the dollar (in the middle of the cost of the items in the machines).  Hope people enjoyed them!

6. Trying to come up with ideas for the day, I decided to do something special for the family that brings me fresh vegetables each week with my CSA.  I had to pick up my share in the afternoon, so made a cool "Name Card" with their new baby's name, meaning, and a blessing!  Wish I could have seen their faces!  The name? EDEN

7. I want to do this one more often... I stopped my administrative assistant in her tracks... before she could do one of the most annoying jobs in the office; filling the printer with stacks of white paper!  It still makes me smile thinking of her appreciative, shocked face.

8. Decided it was time to write another encouraging note... who this time?  Only the Kohler bus drivers!  (We have an airport bus on campus to drive us to the different buildings... Bob is one of my favorites, but they are all great! And I'm going to be especially thankful when the winter comes!)

LUNCH TIME... day starting off well!

9. I spent the lunch hour with my past roommate of 2 months at the Sheboygan Farmer's Market... trying to be spontaneous is hard when there are so many yummy veggies and goodies around!  But started the hour off well paying for a person's parking meter as they started to pull out change!

10. This one, I pre-planned.  I sneakily brought stickers in my purse, hoping to be able to share them with some kids.  The Farmer's Market was the perfect place!  Lots of smiles and things to keep kids occupied as their parents looked.  I met one woman holding a sign with Scripture who preferred that I not give stickers to her kids (because they wouldn't know who Mickey/Minnie were) and I was happy to respect that.  All my stickers were gone in about 10 minutes!

11. As I finished in the market, I was so excited to find a small flower bouquet with amazing purple and orange flowers!  The irises were spectacular!  I thought, "what a great birthday gift for myself."  As I walked toward the finishing corner, the same woman I had asked about stickers early was there.  I knew what I had to do!  Just as I started to stretch out my arm, she commented how beautiful my flowers were.  I LOVE THIS PART! I said... they are for you! Such joyous shock!  Way better than keeping them myself.

BACK AT WORK... Afternoon was quite busy and it was hard to find new opportunities for random acts of kindness... the morning went so smooth!

12. Wrote a special letter to Nohemi (a young woman in Honduras who I sponsor with Compassion).  Fun writing her an extra note and sending it!

WORK IS COMPLETE... I'm finding myself still excited for this Birthday Project but also exhausted and overwhelmed with the idea of doing 32 random acts before the end of the day.  Prayed about it and decided to do half, because if I tried to do them all my heart reasons would not be right anymore... and I'd just be trying to do it to "win a prize"... so 16 here we go!

13. Had to make a quick stop at the store for some cake making supplies for a co-worker.  Decided as I went through the check out, to buy an additional gift card... and to give it to the person in line behind me!  Her face was priceless!  She asked me why, and I told her it was my birthday and I was doing a random act of kindness for each year I'd been blessed with.  She was so appreciative!  Oh I wish I could do this all day long! :)

14. I had invited a sweet friend, Maria, over to help me for a couple of hours to complete my random acts.  Decided to watch the sunset on the roof together and have her help me with a cake for a Jim's birthday at work the next day.  To surprise Maria, who can't do ice cream, I made a special treat of frozen bananas in the food processor and peanut butter (PINTEREST RECIPE TASTES JUST LIKE ICE CREAM FOR THOSE INTERESTED!)


15. So if you didn't know, I like to cook... and strange, new things are my favorite!  A friend at work had a birthday and I decided to help with a snack.  He wanted vegetables and red velvet cake... but I couldn't do just a normal cake!  So here it is... Toasted Coconut/Red Velvet with Cream Trifle!  Yeah for acts of kindness! :)

16. With the night quickly coming to a close, I had one last random act to complete... being in my pajamas, I decided not to leave my apartment.  But rather, decided to write a note to a fabulous family member of mine that I wanted to encourage!  SO GREAT!!!  Goodnight all, what a great birthday it has been!


I had to share a photo of Jim and his trifle (and veggie tray... healthy).  I think my office is amazed at what appears to be talent.  I appreciate them so much!

I have to say The Birthday Project was a bigger challenge than expected, but I had so much fun!  It added so much depth to my birthday!  I hope you guys enjoyed living it again with me, and consider it for your special day! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Where's Rayelle? Wisconsin to CHINA!

Dear Friends,
  I can’t believe how fast time goes… especially working a 40 hour+ work week again.  I’m thankful for the time to write to you as it helps me reflect on all God has been doing even when I don’t feel it day to day.

QUICK UPDATE: I’m living in Plymouth, WI with a girl who didn’t want a roommate until mid-July (huge blessing) and working for Kohler Company as a Senior Quality Project Engineer.  I have a lot of projects going on, but it is a good company to work for.  BIG NEWS: In less than 12 hours I’ll be on my way to CHINA for a week for work (back June 8th). I’ll be in Nanchang and Beijing.  Please keep me in your prayers as it has been a wild “internal” week for me in preparation.

For the slightly more detailed version… I moved back to West Bend and had the great opportunity to stay with my parents for 3 weeks in April.  It was wonderful to spend time with them, they are such amazing parents and being away over 12 years means we’ve all grown a little older.  So, I’m relearning who my parents are. J  We did some projects around their house, and I started to explore the Wisconsin area on weekends.  I cannot tell you how many times the term “Memory Lane” has popped into my head as roads I took in my past, and buildings I saw, brought a flooding of memories from my high school years and such back.  Don’t worry, they made me smile J

After doing the commute a couple of weeks (about an hour each way) I realized it was taking a lot of out of me, and I was struggling making connections in the Kohler area, where this “new life” is that I’m building.  I had been praying about where to live, and God answered that prayer with a step to live in Plymouth for a few months.  I met a lovely gal at work, who after a 5 minute conversation, that included my past year of excitement… she offered a cheap place to stay for a couple of months while she is traveling for work.  She would prefer not having a roommate after, but what a great gift for me!  So I have almost 3 months in the Sheboygan County area as I explore, meet people, visit churches, and pray for God to show me where to live.

As for meeting people… you all know me J  I’m thankful that God connected me already in so many ways.  I was able to finish up the “Perspectives” class I had started in Pella back in January time frame, here in Fond du Lac (oh I hope all you Iowans like the Wisconsin city names).  Through that I met people involved with churches and ministries in Wisconsin.  I also found Coastal Connections, the local young professionals group, as well as some people at work.  It has been amazing how God has brought some amazing Christian families and new friends into my life through just being able to share my story when asked “so where did you come from?”  My favorite story might be meeting a gal from Kohler, that I walk over lunch sometimes, with because I met her mom when going to be prequalified for a loan J.  I’m also extremely and especially thankful for reconnecting with a past high school friend, Coralee (see photo of our gardening below), and a fellow UWP graduate, Tanya, who invited me to Tuesday night “bike club” and dinner (bicycle that is).  Oh, and this week's bike club included a woman who did YWAM and went to the Philippines, in my same area!!! God is so cool.

In the realm of weekends… you won’t be surprised to hear I drove to Michigan to see some of my girls (photo below) and to attend a friend’s wedding, and over Memorial Day weekend drove with my mom and sister to Kansas City for another amazing wedding.  I’m so excited to be within 2 hours of our family cabin, but have only made it up once so far.  Please know if you are in the area, you are invited to come up to my favorite place on earth!!!  I’m thankful for the time with my family, and the fun in planning my sister’s wedding shower coming up in a few months, much easier being closer.

With all of this going on, I still struggle more than I want to admit with yearning for the Christian Community I had in YWAM and in Pella.  God has been so good to me with all of that, and I know he will more here.  A person just tends to miss someone who knows their history, will just stop and pray with you, and so much more.  But God is teaching me to be content wherever I am, and thankfully technology has helped to be able to talk with amazing friends around the world.

I’m excited for what the future holds.  As mentioned earlier, I’m already going to China for work this week!  I’m nervous/anticipating all God has for me while there.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying for me this whole week (write my name on the fridge white board) that God would give me his eyes, heart and ears for the people, and for protection.  With all the heaviness around me this week I’ve been feeling, I have no idea what could happen.  But thank God with that, He pulls me in closer to Him, and I get to connect more deeply in preparation.  When I return, I’m hoping to start meeting weekly with a group of college students with Campus Ministries here in Sheboygan County and am excited for the churches I’ve been to, that God will show me which one to call home.

I’m thankful that even though I don’t feel like my mission field is as obvious as it was in YWAM, God is still opening fun doors.  I prayed with a 70+ year old woman who is hearing from God that she is supposed to do a DTS with YWAM.  I met a worker in a local clothing store who said “God Bless you” when I sneezed in the dressing room… and I shared with her my last year and we are going on a walk when I return so she can learn more about my mission work.  I thank God for these moments and hope and pray for so many more!  If I can be praying for you, please let me know.  It is such a joy to bring hopes, dreams, struggles, and anything to God…. And an extra honor when it is for others.  I love walking with people as God is working so obviously.

Finally, if you will pray for me this week while in China, and also that God would show me how He wants me to “MAKE WAVES”.  In a prayer time with a high school youth group this week, we listened to a missionary share and we had a time to pray asking God what our mission field looks like right now… and God showed me and told me “MAKE WAVES”.  This correlates interestingly to YWAM’s founder seeing waves of young people going over the nations…. So I believe it has to do with getting those people excited and moving… J I LOVE THAT!

So in closing, thank you all for being a part of my life.  I’m so thankful for each of you, and what you have shared and taught me in this journey. Your encouragement and prayers are needed and so appreciated.  May God bless you with great dreams of the future He longs for, and great love in your hearts that comes with the truth of how He sees you.

His Beloved,

Friday, March 30, 2012

Where's Rayelle... Going?

Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you all well! I have had an amazing last few weeks in Europe and actually quite the year! Believe it or not I'm about one week away from the year anniversary mark of starting my YWAM training in Kona. I can honestly say this has been one of the best years of my life, by far; following God in a much more powerful way, and His provision... so good!  It's been amazing to look back that not "working" a normal job all year has not left me wanting one bit... if anything God has blown me away with experiences and adventures for His kingdom worth way more than any money could buy.
Ironically I'll be taking my next step, following God’s leading, almost to the date of leaving the mainland last year! And let me tell you it is the last thing I expected!  Thanks to all those praying for and with me!!! I'm more thankful than words can say for you!

So here is the “back story”.  Being in Pella again January and February… I felt 2 main directions from God.  They were ‘discipleship in a new way’ and ‘freedom prayer’.  Not knowing much more I did my best to jump into those, while staying disconnected, but that is not the way God wanted it… and I started to make connections here in Pella again.  Doing so, I prayed about a way to have income and God led me to start doing interviews, as opportunities began to arise.  There were quite a variety… a possible business opportunity in ice cream J, some part time work with an amazing local ministry that would use my mentor skills, and then some engineering options.  I am amazed at how God kept affirming me with every interview and meeting I had!  The skills I brought to the table, the experiences I’ve been blessed with, and the confidence I had that He would open and close the right doors!  I had about 5 options going here in Pella, when strangely I was contacted by a company in Wisconsin that had turned me down for a role in December when I had applied.  I wanted to say “no” right away because I thought God was telling me to be in Pella… 2 years so I could save a bunch of money and go out into the nations again (wait… that is what I was trying to tell God I was doing J).  So I decided to let God take care of the doors, had a phone interview and was invited up to Wisconsin for an on-site interview.

For those of you who know my parents, you would know the idea of me coming back “home” would be HUGE.  In fact, I was so sure I wouldn’t be, and didn’t want them to get their hopes up, that when I came home for the interview, I didn’t tell them… I even more jeans out of the house that morning and when I returned.  The hardest part was when they asked me what I was doing that day… I didn’t want to lie and my mom kept nagging me!  I may have thrown her off track with something about maybe I was meeting a guy I met on the internet… and for some reason she stopped asked questions. J  HAHA… sorry not true at all.

Returning to Pella, I was amazed at how God seemed to be affirming me more and more, but at the same time holding my 4 interviews and other opportunities back.  I had not heard a “no” from anyone, but found myself with great peace trusting His timing.  As I was planning for my trip to Europe, I found myself longing to visit a friend nearby in Ottumwa to see what God was doing in the youth program there.  Making plans, God tugged on my heart to rather go to the Ash Wednesday service at my church.  Listening, I sat amazed as the Pella youth led the service and my heart rejoiced for my amazing community here!  They challenged us with giving up something for the Lenten season to help us focus on what Jesus gave up for us, and to also consider doing something extra special on Fridays.  As I sat there, I realized my entire Friday schedule was open… unusual for me!  I decided it would be awesome to spend the whole day in Third Church’s prayer tower hanging out with God; reading, worshiping, and listening.  Little did I know God had additional plans J.

As I awoke Thursday morning (day before prayer tower date). I had a phone call… with my first job offer.  As I sat there excited and laughing… I couldn’t help but enjoy God’s sense of humor and love… He knew this would happen and had already planned a time with Him to pray!  The day continued, and another offer arrived and I continued to pray that God would show me His way.

Friday was wonderful.  It was a beautiful day, finding myself in the prayer tower relaxing, singing, reading, and waiting on God with anticipation but no stress.  Around noon a wonderful friend joined me, wanting to pray with me.  As we sat and talked, she asked me questions about where my heart was at with the decision.  I told her my biggest leaning was to be in Pella, running the small business, taking one of the job offers before me, and possibly buying the house I was living in to have women from the area live in community.  She lovingly told me I couldn’t do all of that (thank you friend) and said she was glad I felt like staying in Pella was the right answer because she didn’t want me to leave.  As we kept talking, she paused and said God had told her we needed to stop the talking, and just pray, allowing God to speak. J  I’m so thankful for my wise friends.  So, that is what we did.  As soon as I closed my eyes and her words poured out… God started showing me pictures.  I sat their crying so hard that I felt like a little kid that needed a box of Kleenex.  But God had shown me where I was to go.  He had shown me pictures of Wisconsin, the company I had interviewed with, and had shown me the one commandment that has a direct blessing in it… Honor your Father and Mother.  As we finished and were walking out of the room, God told me to ask my friend if she had heard something.  As I looked upon her with my red eyes, she said clearly… “yes, you are supposed to go to Wisconsin.”  More tears came (not like me) but God had affirmed it, and as my Friday night and Saturday continued His peace came over me like I’d not felt in a long time!

There is much more that has happened since then, including some “mourning” over leaving Pella (I’m so thankful for this place and the people) and deciding when to tell my parents.  I waited for the paperwork to come through, and the night before I left for my European trip, I called them and told them.  They had no idea, and I think I may have given them such a shock, they still don’t believe it. J

So, I’m celebrating my last few days in Pella, and celebrating God’s guidance (even though it is not what I was expecting at all for my life) to move back home, and to work at Kohler Company as a Senior Quality Project Engineer where I’ll be focused on helping the Global Faucets team while traveling to their 8 sites in Wisconsin, Arkansas, England, France, Egypt, India and China (2) around 25% of the time.  I’m still a bit in shock as I write this, but being obedient to God is worth anything He puts before me.  I know it will be blessed, and I’m excited to continue to grow in love for the nations!

Please keep me in your prayers, if you would, for Christian Community, direction on where to live in the Kohler area, and for discipline in this new season.  I believe it will be a “cleaving” time to the LORD in new ways. Watch out Wisconsin!  I’m coming home :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


In a word... Awesome! I'm blown away how God has made my world so much smaller :) My hope on this trip was to have fun with my Kona family and especially to celebrate the wedding of my friend Johanna in Germany... And I was yearning to continue to learn more about other cultures first hand. And wow did I get that! Starting in England I was greeted by a bubbly Jess Evitts at the airport and then whisked away to her family's home a couple hours south of London. The next few days were spent being adopted in an English family where we drank lots of tea, cheered on rugby teams, played Rummikub (pronounced rummy-cub there), and said things like 'posh'.

Midweek Jess and I found ourselves driving across Italy where I tried my hand for the fourth time ever at driving a manual car! I think I can say I'm legit in that category now :). We felt like 'princesses' as Jess stated many times over those days in some beautiful countryside. I had planned to visit the YWAM base in Milan, but though I tried a couple of times it didn't come together... Not sure why, but trusting God in his timing. We were able to rest, enjoy the beautiful weather, and gear up!

Because a week into the trip, we rejoiced during a 12 hour German wedding for our friend's Johanna and Marco. He had flown to Kona to propose shortly before our Philippines outreach, and now the wedding culmination! I couldn't stop smiling all day!

The ceremony was similar, but the party... Oh what they do! Directly after the service they have treats at the church. We had fresh pretzels, cakes, and drinks to kick off the festivities. Then we made our way to an old monastery cellar, to continue the "shindig". The night was extremely interactive with a jeopardy game for the announcements, puzzle pieces in the table favors to join together in one big picture, guessing games and a bunch of guest book comment displays (including kissing w red lipstick papers to make a collage). After a candy bar/coffee time we had a group photo outside with literally everyone. Then... a three course buffet... Before the dessert round though, the show really got started! German weddings have a 'presentation' the friends and family put together! Think 'hours worth of entertaining improv skits, singing, and even a drama of how the two met and fell in love', while they watched! Then at midnight, the bride and groom head out, after a short time on the dance floor. But don't worry, the dance floor was not neglected! The guests stay till 2 am, or so, ripping up the dance floor. I'm even tired just thinking back to this! What an amazing day of love an joy!

    Before jumping over to Greece I had a day to explore Mannheim. My favorite part of the first week was getting to sit down 1-on-1 with so many wonderful friends, to catch up on life, share concerns and to pray with each other. You know who you all are! I'm so grateful for you. The train station brought a sad goodbye, but it wasn't for long :)...
    Arriving in Athens next, I was greeted by big smiles from Meggan and Pavlos! Side note: I love being greeted at airports by people who love me!  We stayed overnight at the Bible College they volunteer/work at (only one in Athens!) It was so wonderful to see their 'daily life' and to take in Greek life. They treated me so well and took me beautiful places where we would sit for coffee drinks and dialogue for hours on everything, just like Greeks do daily! Other than going up to Mars Hill and reading the story of Paul sharing about the "unknown god" with the Athenians... best gift was the last night when I 'tagged along' to a flat where their friend lived, with his parents. We sat down to a traditional dinner as they celebrated the growing relationship between that friend and a young lady. It was so amazing to hear them talk and how the conversation flowed with such unique form and respect! I didn't want to leave! Throw in the fact that there were a couple guys there, who work with local refuges, that shared their stories... including one guy escaping Iran at 13 who met Jesus in an English prison a few years later and was radically changed!

  Last stop Amsterdam! I giggled a lot getting off the plane, seeing numerous tall, blonde haired, blue eyed folks. Felt like I was home in Pella :) then throw in the canals and windmills! I felt like I could have given some of the tours! Hehe. The time in Amsterdam was so crazy, and not how you might think. I knew 3 people in the city! My old roommate from Kona, who is from Switzerland and helping to staff a school, a woman I met in Kona from Kenya that was at the door when I entered the base, and also a gal from Kansas City who was an answer to prayer for me in November! All in Amsterdam! I spent a great amount of time with each of them, and touring the city. It is a beautiful country, though the heaviness of the realities in the red light district of Amsterdam were mind wrenching (prostitution is legal, and they flaunt it). I thank God for those I met working on bringing truth and love to the area and women there. My last day I spent in the countryside, and I'm so thankful for the redeeming feel for the Netherlands! I seem to have a special place in my heart for Dutch people :).

  As I started to think about packing up for my last night, reflecting on the Corrie ten Boom tour and the yummy Dutch treats... God saved something extra special for my trip!!! My German friends (Monja, Johanna who had come home from her honeymoon the day before, and their roommate) drove up to say goodbye again! A six hour drive and we spent almost 2 hours laughing, hugging, praying, and just being amazed at God's awesomeness before they left and made there way home!

  I can't think of anything that would have made this trip more special! I feel so blessed and thankful for this time. The depth of the cultures I saw being adopted multiple times, seeing God working all over the world, and the sense of family I have in so many nations... Priceless. Now I just need a couple of days to recover from the 6 languages I have spinning in my head from the last 2 weeks (for those counting.... 6th is Spanish from a couple needing help during the day long tour I took and on the plane to Madrid where I was told to ditch coming home and go to Seville with some flamenco singers. Tempting. :))
    I hope this is only the 2nd of many times to the beautiful Europe and that God will continue to give direction of why Italy is so strong on my heart.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where's Rayelle? ( :) God has a sense of humor)

*For John S. and other who want cliff notes… see the RECAP at the bottom of this blogJ For the rest of you enjoy the story version J

Dear Friends, so literally one year ago today, I was finishing up my time at Pella Corporation, starting to pack things in my house, and finalizing paperwork to join YWAM-Kona for a Discipleship Training School.  I'm in awe, of God's faithfulness and provision.

I've had a number of you ask me what I'm up to now, because I had shared continually that God had given me direct steps until the end of 2011, but hadn't shared anything past that.  Well, let me tell you, life is a great adventure when it's following Jesus! :)

I finished up December with my family, and it was wonderful.  My dad considered me his personal chef, and I didn’t mind that at all.  It was terrific to be together, to play cribbage each night at dinner, to see my extended family at holiday parties, and even to have the TARK 4 together for Christmas one last time, before my sister gets married in October.  It was extra sweet as she and I stayed up late talking and laughing about so many memories!

As the New Year approached, I had not heard from God what was next.  I decided I’d make sure I was ready!  I literally packed up my car with all of my clothes, toiletries, sheets, pillows, and blankets… enough to live wherever I’d be (except for furniture).  I took a quick trip to the Wausau area to see a friend from high school, and 3 of my best guy friends from college, that now have families of their own.  After 7 hours in the car the next day, I made it to Kansas City in order to spend a day at the Onething conference, and to spend time with the wonderful people I met there in November.  I remember thinking, “God, I have high expectations of you sharing direction with me at this conference.” Sadly, I didn’t get what I had hoped for, however, God lavished His love on me so heavily that day I wouldn’t have traded it for anything!  He did share two specific words of direction with me: discipleship (not the way I had done it before) and freedom prayer.  The next couple of days I found myself thinking God would affirm that I should stay in Kansas City… either to continue with Call2All or to staff the DTS school starting in January.  That answer was “no”.  So, I returned to Iowa with a quick stop in Des Moines, and had the opportunity to “hide out” in Pella for a couple of days to seek God, while staying with a wonderful family that opened their home to me.  As I arrived on a Tuesday, I was excited to be invited to a meeting about “Reach Groups” hoping to build a new kind of community in Pella.  I was blown away at what God was and is doing in Pella with intentional community, especially since I had been sharing with many that the biggest thing I missed from YWAM was the community.  The next two days were followed by multiple meetings with friends and mentors where God blew me away with things He was sharing, regarding freedom prayer in the area, and opportunities for me to grow.  God was affirming that I should be in Pella!  And He was showing me things that I did not know where going on here before!

At this point I should say I was pushing back pretty hard about the idea of living in Pella again… I had “left” Pella twice in the last year and didn’t want to make connections without having direction.  And, unwisely, I was trying to tell God that He was not going to be as glorified in my story of “mission life” by me being in Pella.  But God, in His amazing grace, continued to affirm.  As I accepted the idea I asked God about where I was to live, and he gave me a specific name.  I met up with that person and was amazed to see all God had been doing in their life too!  So awesome!  So, God opened a door for me to rent monthly from my friend Lexi, and I also rejoiced with her as she was being moved by God to leave Pella.  Not only have I been honored to walk with her in life as her friend, but also to be able to help at her house as she has worked hard to finish well here in Pella.

Couple of fun extra things… I had asked God when I should move in with Lexi and within 3 minutes a friend asked if I could dogsit in town… and with that came house sitting that next week with aligned perfectly with moving in at Lexi’s in February.  Then as I asked God about provision for His leading, I was blown away that my very good friends, the VanVeens, persisted that they wanted to pay me for a website I had designed for them ‘just for fun’ (check it out at and the payment was the exact dollar amount that I needed for the month of rent.  And then… on move in day, I found myself provided for with a bed and nightstand, but also really needed a dresser.  I had called up my new friend Kat, and asked if she wanted to go to the thrift stores with me before helping paint some boxes for a Super Bowl food drive at church (where we later collected over 1,500 items for our local food pantry, Praise God!).  On my way to pick her up at 2:30pm on a Saturday, I called the local thrift stores only to find out they closed at 2pm.  I remember praying, asking God for help so I could truly unpack in my room (first room I called “my own” in 11 months).  As I turned on Kat’s street, my eyes shot open… on the side of the street was a dresser!  It is not uncommon for Pella folks to put things out that are not wanted anymore, but in decent shape.  So, God provided for me a dresser!

February has gone very quickly, and I’m continually amazed at God’s provision.  Because of that original dog/house sitting “job” I have had calls to help others 3 times!  It has been so much fun, and great company.  I’ve also spent time in Third’s prayer tower, hanging with some awesome young ladies in town, have “caught up” with some of the ladies I mentored in the past, I’m taking “Perspectives” an amazing class on missions (check out to see if there is one in your area!), and completed a 5 week prayer class at Third Church.  I continue to learn that I have an issue trying to tell God what He is doing J and He continues to remind me that His thoughts are bigger than my thoughts.  As I’ve felt called to be here for a time (which God has told me is not 2 years while I save a bunch of money… my idea, not His) I have been interviewing for engineering roles, talking to non-profits in the area about positions, praying about a business venture, and spending lots of time in prayer! 

One thing I’m hopeful of… I believe God is allowing me to be in the Midwest for an important event this year… my sister is getting married in October and as the Maid of Honor, loving her well is a top priority.  I’ve also been blown away with another opportunity that has come up for March.  To my great surprise, my parent’s called and blessed me with an amazing gift… they told me they wanted to help me with the plane cost to attend a wedding of a very good friend I met in YWAM named Johanna… in GERMANY!  So yes, in a little over a week, I’m heading for the second time in my life to Europe!  Another way of God’s amazing provision… I’ll be there a little over 2 weeks and I’m having the opportunity to travel to 5 different places!  I’ll be starting in England with a YWAMer and her family (Jess), then we’ll be headed to Italy together to explore and check out the YWAM Milan base, next up to Germany (near Mannheim) for the wedding (eek, so excited), after that I’ll split from Jess and head to Greece to stay with a wonderful missionary couple (including Meggan from Sully, Iowa), and I’ll finish in Amsterdam where I know 3 people! (2 YWAM friends, and a wonderful friend from Kansas City).

So… for those of you who have asked me about “what I’ve been up to” I thank you, and I apologize for not writing sooner… I didn’t want to put too much down of what “I thought” was happening, and God has been teaching me even more to wait on Him.  But that is the fun of “Where’s Rayelle” over the last 2 months, with great hope of things beyond my wildest dreams to come!  At this point I’ll be in Pella all of March (when I’m not in Europe) and April is ???  I believe God is asking me to do some tough things soon, which will be more challenging than going to the tribes in the Philippines.  I will keep you posted!  Thank you to all who have been praying for me, and listening to me, and who have been walking in faith with me!  I do not have the words to share how thankful I am for each and every one of you.  This year has truly been one of the best EVER, and I reflect, with a laugh, at how even though I’ve not “worked” a typical job in a year… how I’ve never been “wanting” and if anything God has allowed some amazing adventures and gifts as I lean into Him.  To be obedient to God is so awesome!  I pray you are blessed by reading this, that the Holy Spirit will pour out truth and love onto you, and that your faith will be built up on the rock of Jesus Christ.

If there is ANYTHING I can be praying about for you, please let me know!  And if there is anything you have questions on, want to “talk out loud about”, or just anything, don’t think twice, and contact me!  Jesus is “alive” and I’ve seen it more than ever this year!  A relationship with Him (which means talking and listening both ways) is the BEST thing in life!!! (Psalm 139 has been a great reminder of how He sees me lately… check it out).  May God bless you this very moment with His peace and joy.


January: God called me back to Pella again (to my surprise!) where He amazed me with new connections, prayer learning and practice, direction on where to live and a “new career” as a house/dog watcher J
February: Time of interviews, praying, being home with family for a few days, and a great surprise to go to a friend’s wedding in March… in Germany!
March: I’ll be in Europe a little over 2 weeks… will return March 26th with next steps ?

*Praise God for flat bike tires, learning to drive a manual car, dressers on the side of the road, homemade dutch letter making, dogsitting, and so much more!*

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello Friends!
     I'm excited to send an update again of how things are going on this adventure I call life!  Thank you to all of you for your prayers this last month.  As I reflect on November, I'm amazed at how God speaks, especially when we are in "foreign" places with only Him as our main contact.  I finished up my time in Kansas City, packed everything I had for 2 months back into my vehicle and made my way to Pella for a day.  With great joy, I'm so thankful to God for the amazing gift of being able to see 7 of the girls I have mentored since they were in 6th grade, and are now sophomores in college.  They were home for Thanksgiving, and we found ourselves at a cabin, God graciously allowed us to use for a night, laughing, sharing and praying with each other.  It probably isn't a surprise that I didn't get to bed till after 2am, but so worth it!
     The following day (Thanksgiving) I found myself on a plane making my way to L.A., with a stop in Denver, where God gave me the best surprise, Madison (one of the girl's I'd mentored), was on my first flight to return to school!  Of all the flights :).  It was such a joy to catch up even more.  As I arrived in L.A. I was excited to see a Pella native, Sarah Gaulke, who was letting me stay with her for a few days.  God had a small change of plans, as a guy, Nathan that I had met at YWAM-Kona was arriving to the airport from Haiti to volunteer for the week and didn't have a ride or a place to stay the first night.  Such a blessing Sarah was and is to help Nathan out too.  We were able to be God's hands and feet for a tired traveler, so cool!  
      With the LA Congress I was in charge of about 100 volunteers from multiple nations.  They came from the US, including a group from a DTS school in Kona, India, Paraguay, Korea, and more.  I was helping to make sure they all knew where they were going for training, the day after Thanksgiving, setting up the 3 days of training, and making sure we had everyone where they were needed for the 6 days of the Congress.  One of the greatest things God taught me in this week was how He's given me such a mix of skills in my life experiences to be able to take on this challenge!  Everything from creating a "photo scavenger hunt" during the training to build relationships and help the volunteers get to know the area, to being able to shift the resources every half hour, as I'd get called that there were things like "a truck with 42 boxes that needed unloading asap".  Our volunteers covered greeting, ushering, hospitality, security, photography, the World Vision booth, exhibits, registration, and more!  I'm in awe of how God worked to put our team together for this week, and I'm so grateful for the new friendships and connections.  Oh, and did I mention how God did some other amazing things!  For example... during the scavenger hunt, 2 teams met young people they prayed with and shared the Gospel with, and one group even met a young woman, Jasmine, who came to volunteer with us during the week.  So cool!  I had the great honor to get to know the DTS school from Kona well, including a group of 12 that was leaving for the Philippines (areas where I had been just 2 months earlier) a week after the Congress!  It's been great praying for them and sharing all God had done in our time there.  So amazing how God continues to work in surprizing ways!

       The congress was a success with better practice sharing, prayer, and commitments made for the Kingdom.  Here are the actual commitment numbers that came from the event with brothers and sisters continuing to work to reach the unreached!

New Houses of Prayer                        71,311
UUPGs (Unreached People Groups)   1,416
Oral Bible Teams                                46,548 
New Churches Planted                       217,908 
New Evangelism Exposures                584,681,363
New Online Missionaries                    20,054

      I was quite exhausted after those 2 weeks, but so thankful for the time and the reunion I had with some of my YWAM classmates!  As I made my way home, I drove through Pella for a day where I was able to celebrate with the youth of Third Church where they had raised $36,000 for an orphanage in Uganda!  I also spent some time with a wonderful family who has been hosting me.  I’m so thankful for them, their care and great example of family.  Before finally getting to my parents in Wisconsin, I stopped in Rockford, IL to see my sister.  My mom came down too, and we were able to help her take off some wallpaper down in a bedroom and paint.  
     I’ve now been home for a week with my family.  Some of you might be wondering how my mom’s surgery went!?!  (thanks to all those praying)  The truth is she cancelled the date right before the surgery.  She had a bad cold, and the doctor said she couldn’t have the surgery with it, and she’s been working with physical therapy to see if she can hold off a bit.  I’m thankful she is feeling somewhat better, but is now looking at having it possibly in May or June.  Still praying God will heal her totally!
     God allowing me to come home for this time, with the main focus being serving my parents and resting, has been wonderful.  They’ve put me to work cooking meals each night (if you know me, you know I love that!), we’ve been playing cards, sharing stories, and doing projects around the house.  As much as I’m different in many ways, it is such a joy to be back together as “family” and to be the kid again. 
       I want to share something with you that God showed me personally this week.  I found myself, when I was alone, really struggling with some things and over analyzing my future so much that I became overwhelmed.  I really didn’t want to go out and see people or do “things”; I just found being alone was good.  I know that there are seasons where that can be fine, but it was not healthy for me, and I realized that the joy and peace I’d had when I first came back from Kona was not as bold.  As I prayed and spent time with God on this, He showed me.  The last two months I’ve allowed myself to become a cynic on the topic of “love” through the traveling around and being places only a short time, as well as some walls I put up with people.  However, through this it seems the enemy has worked to get me to turn those walls into mirrors and I’ve really been internally focused.  Basically the love God has shown me and the calling to share that love with others, was stopping before I was sharing it.  And in that, I found myself miserable!  How crazy that to have myself feel better I had to do the exact opposite, and stop focusing on myself and focus on loving others!  God is so good.  As soon as I saw the truth behind that lie and was able to take what God was teaching me daily, and to shine it out rather than keep it in, my joy and peace for today and the future is back!  I share this hoping that any of you that might feel overwhelmed can go to God and learn from this situation, hopefully not the hard way I did. J
     I’m excited to have my whole family together for Christmas, and to enjoy this precious time that I missed while away with YWAM.  I don’t know yet where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing after January, and would really appreciate if you would join me in prayer!!! Would you pray that God would give me the next steps as I wait on Him.  And I believe we all can hear from God, so if you hear anything as you pray (as silly as it might seem) email or call me!  Thank you to those who willingly offered funds for my LA Congress trip.  I still have about $500 dollars to cover if you are able to help with that, please email me at  And if there are things I can be keeping lifted in prayer for you, nothing is too small, please let me know!  It is an honor to stand with you as brothers and sisters.
     I pray God blesses your time with family this Christmas and that He shows you something new about His character.  It is way greater than anything we can grasp, but it is filled with such LOVE that to know even a piece of it is worth everything. 
Merry Christmas!

 - Rayelle

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)